
ENQA – the European Association for Quality Assurance in higher education – asked us to create an animation to explain who they are, what they do, and why they do it. 

With a target audience of higher education professionals who are not specialists in quality assurance, ENQA asked us to make sure that the animation appealed to those with knowledge and understanding of the education sector, whilst providing a clear explanation of the importance of their work.


The first challenge was to write a script that accurately reflected the work of ENQA, and the mechanisms through which quality assurance in European higher education functions. After drafting an initial script, we worked with the team at ENQA to shape this into the final format that would result in a voice over of just a fraction over 2 minutes.

We designed a visual style for the animation that was strongly on brand and centred on ENQA’s newly created brand identity. We employed the brand’s graphic shapes to act as transitions and frame scenes throughout. With people at the centre of education, we wanted to involve characters within scenes where possible. We created a character style that used abstract colours for skin tones, which together with varied hair styles, allowed us to ensure diversity.


The final animation is a clear, concise explainer of ENQA’s work that is displayed on the ‘About’ section of the ENQA website, and which has been shared on social media receiving good views, engagements and positive comments across platforms.

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